Academic Staff
(UGC Sponsored Programme)
School of Social
Gujarat University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad – 380009.
Phone : +91-79-26302962,
Fax No : +91-79-26305010
E mail :,
Website :
Director : Dr. Jagdish Joshi (I/c)
Brief History
The Academic Staff College, Gujarat University has been working for excellence in
higher education since 1987. It helps the lecturers in developing their skills.
But there was no communication between lecturers and the college after they
complete their courses from the college. It is not possible for them to be
aware of the activities of the institution. In nutshell there was communication
gap between them. There was no interaction between them. And interaction is the
key in great examples of Indian heritage of learning and teaching like Nachiketa
and Yama, Janaka and Yagnavalka, Arjuna and Krishna.
It is very difficult to develop skills without interaction. So, we were
thinking of some bridge between us. And at last the bridge is built. We are
launching this journal to overcome this gap and make communication live. It
will help you to be with us all the time. We will make you aware about the
activities and plans of the college through the journal. It is observed that
there are very few journals which provide launching pad to new researches and lecturers
of the colleges. We will try to be platform for new researches and college
lecturers. As we are living in the age of Knowledge Explosion, it is necessary
for every lecturer to make him/herself update about the latest information in
the field of education. The journal will help them. The primary function of the
Academic Staff College
is to lead lecturer towards excellence, hence the title of the journal is
“Towards Excellence”. As Oxford Dictionary defines:
The U.G.C., Academic
Staff College,
Gujarat University was made functional in 1988.
It has been working to fulfill basic aims of higher education suggested and
expected by U.G.C director. The pioneer director was Prof. Ujamshibhai Kapadia.
Prof. Rohitbhai Shukla Prof. A. R. Shah and Dr. A.A. Ahluwalia had worked as
I/c Director of the college. Dr. B.M. Brahmbhatt is a director of the college
at present.
The Functions of an Academic Staff College will be to plan, organise,
implement, monitor and evaluate orientation courses for newly appointed
college/university lecturers within the jurisdiction of one or more
universities in a state. An ASC will also organise refresher courses for
serving teachers, and orientation programmes for senior administrators and
heads of department, principals, officers, etc. Specifically, an ASC will:
- Formulate a programme of
orientation along the broad guidelines given above.
- Identify resource persons in
various fields of specialisation for running the orientation course and
refresher courses, and familiarise such resource persons with the
philosophy and guidelines for the courses. The list of resource persons
should be approved by the chairman of the advisory committee of ASC.
- Set up a
documentation-centre-cum-library for reference and source materials
necessary for the courses.
- Produce specially designed
material required for effective implementation of the courses.
- Organise, monitor and evaluate
courses for teachers
- Create a culture of learning
and self-improvement among teachers so that it becomes an integral part of
the educational system at the tertiary level.
- Organise orientation programmes
for heads of department, principals, deans and other decision-makers to
familiarise them with the philosophy of orientation to facilitate reform
in higher education through appropriate modification of the management
systems at various levels.
- The refresher courses run by
the ASC will provide opportunities for teachers in service to exchange
experience with their peers and to mutually learn from each other.
- Provide a forum for serving
teachers to keep themselves abreast of the latest advances in various
- Provide opportunities to
further widen their knowledge and to pursue research studies.
- Provide an introduction to new
methods and innovations in higher education so that the participants can
in turn develop their own innovative methods of instruction.
The thrust
areas for each refresher course will be decided by the director in consultation
with the course coordinator
Meeting/Workshop for Academic Administrators
Each ASC
may organise one or two meetings of principal/heads/deans/officers in a year
- familiarise them with the
philosophy and importance of orientation programmes and refresher courses,
and persuade them to depute teachers;
- enable them to understand their
new roles as supervisors; and
- facilitate reform in higher
education through appropriate modification of management systems at
various levels.
Interaction Programme
Students at Ph.D./post-doctoral levels from the Centre of Advanced
Studies/Department of Special Assistance centres may take part in the special
interaction programmes to be organised by the RCCs under the RCs scheme. The
interaction programmes should be in the form of workshop/seminars only. The
duration of this programme should be about three to four weeks. The main focus
of this programme will be interaction between Ph.D./post-doctoral scholars and
teachers. The number of participants for this programme shall be 15 to 20. This
interaction programme may be held once a year.
Expenditure on this interaction programme may be claimed separately and
the student participants shall be treated at par with the participants in
refresher courses in respect of payment of TA/DA.
Office in Room No. 21 on Ground Floor.
Office in Room No.7 on Ground Floor.
Office in Room No.43 on Second Floor.
Office in Room No.54 on Second Floor.
Operator’s Office in Room No.43 on Second Floor.
Library Office
in Room No.43 on Second Floor.
We have
well equipped class room with latest audio-visual facility.
-- 13 blocks
-- Separate flat for resource
-- Capacity of 65
-- We improved infrastructural
facility of A.S.C. hostel with geyser, new furniture, water jugs,
blankets and etc.
Lab :
-- We established Computer Lab.
With 24 hours Internet Broad Band connection. It is Fully
Air conditioned well equipped and the capacity is 40 .
-- We have
L.C.D.Projector,O.H.Projector ,Slide Projector, and sound system for the
presentation during various courses.
-- The water cooler facility is
given from last year for the participant and the staff in front of the
lecture room.
-- We started giving up to dated
reading material to the Participants of orientation and refresher courses.
-- Each staff member is given
computer facility and all the computers are connected with Lan.
-- We prepared one room with
A.C. for the Resource persons / the Guests.
-- We have started our News Letter
/Research journal entitled “ Towards Excellence”.
-- We provide free boarding and
lodging to all the participants.
§ Orientation Programmes
§ Refresher Courses
§ Workshops
§ Seminars
more detail visit

Name : Dr.
J. S. Joshi
Qualification : M.A., Ph.D.
Designation : Reader
Areas of Specialization : English
Contact No. : 26302962 (O) 23260969
(R )
E mail :

Name : Dr.
C. G. Brahmbhatt
Qualification : M.Sc., B.Ed.
Designation : Lecturer
Areas of Specialization : Mathematics
Contact No. : 26302962 (O) 27434747
(R )
mail :
