H K Centre for Professional Traning Phone : +91-79-27913159 Co-ordinator : Shri Jagdish Bhavsar
Introduction The H. K. Centre for Professional Training
is an ambitious organ of Objective The Centre's, cardinal objectives are
: (a) To generate moral, academic and career-oriented confidence among the students, (b) To enable students to
develop precise, effective & efficient written as well as oralCommunication, (c) To provide to them intensive training in
organising, presenting
communicating informa tion, programme, research work etc.,
(d) To familiarize students with procedures, practices and policies of the business &
professional world, (e) To provide on-the-job
training as regards the functioning of industrial, commercial andprofessional organisations, (f) To introduce general
principles & recent developments in the field of management and,
(g) To inculcate among the students,
the sense of pragmatic attitude and professionalismsuitable for a responsible and dynamic career in the competitive
Courses offered
In order to realise these objectives, the Centre offers the following Certificate Courses to the student community : ( i) Office Management ( ii) Banking Management (iii) English Improvement ( iv ) Stenography and Secretarial Practice Information at a Glance
: A-60% and above, B-48% to 59%, C-Between 36% to 47% D-Below
Admission Procedure : As per Merit. Course Fee : The selected candidates are required to pay the stipulated Course Fee in one single installment in cash. Fees once paid will, in no case, be refunded. Attendance :
The students are required to be regular and punctual in attendance as these courses have been designed to impart intensive training. Students unable to attend atleast 80 per cent of the total number of lectures will make themselves non-eligible for taking the Final Test. The attendance of the students carry marks. Evaluation Pattern : ( a ) Students will have to take Two Tests—Mid-Term / Year Test and Final Test — compulsorily. ( b } The Final Test will be followed by Viva-Voce and appearance thereat will be obligatory. Note : There will be no provision for Re-Test at any stage. However students can appear for Mid/Final teat with next year course paying required fees. ( c ) Students opting for Office Management and Banking
Management Courses will have to undergo on-the-job training as stipulated by the
centre and also to submit two copies of their report in connection with the training undertaken by
them. They will also be required to write a Master Essay concerning the topic opted for by
them in accordance with the instructions given to them by the faculty concerned and to
submit two copies there of to the centre for assessment and evaluation. Faculty :
For the efficient conduct of these courses, academicians
from Colleges, Library Facility :
Students of the Centre can avail of
the services and facilities offered by the Centre's own Library & also the
Gujarat University Library in strict accordance with the rules and regulations
laid down by
the centre and the Gujarat University Libraries from time to time. Timings :
The usual timings for the courses will be 3-00 p.m. to 6-00 p.m. from Monday to Friday, generally speaking. Students may, however, be required to attend extra classes outside the abovementioned hours and even on a Saturday if such a need arises for completing the courses, satisfactorily. When the students of the Office Management and Banking Management Courses are required to undergo on-the-job training, they will have to be ready and willing to undergo such training outside the abovementioned timings. DIPLOMA COURSE IN EXPORT-IMPORT MANAGEMENT & INTERNATIONAL FINANCE Objectives : The subject of International Trade involves high potentialities for jobs as well as self-employment as Professionals. This course' aims at familiarising students with the diverse phases of Export-Import Trade. The Course designed, is very much job-oriented and can help youngsters in undertaking jobs as Export officials, or even in preparation of Export-related documents etc., with Export houses. Paper I — Introduction to Foreign Trade & Export
Marketing Coverage : ( a ) How Foreign Trade differs from Domestic
Trade. ( b ) Basic Principles : Recent Trends in Foreign Trade. Basic Principles of International
Marketing. ( c ) Market Entry Strategies. Paper II — International Finance &
Financing of Foreign Trade Coverage : ( a ) Basic Concepts of International Finance
( b ) Export Costing ( c ) Export Finance ( d ) Exchange Control Paper III — Exim Policy and Export Promotion Measures Coverage : ( a ) Exim policy - 1992-97-Handbook of
procedure-negative list-Export oriented units. ( b ) Merchant Exporter-Manufacture Exporter
etc. ( c ) Duty exemption Pass Book
Scheme. ( d ) Foreign Trade (Development &
Regulation) Act, 1992 (Departmental Organisation) Export promotion agencies. Paper IV —Export and Import Procedure and Documentation Coverage : ( a } Procedure ( b ) Shipping ( c ) Cargo Insurance Post Graduate Diploma course in Export-Import management &
International Finance (Self-finance) Information at a Glance
Grade : Dist.-70% and above, First class -
60% to 69% Second class - 48% to 59%, Pass Class – 40% to 47% Certificate course in French/German (Self finance)
Duration :
Timing :
Fees : Rs. 3500/- Examination : Internal & External Syllabi for Certificate Course in French
French language (100 marks) Article defini et indefini, Genre et noOmbre des noms et des adjectives - Interrogation et Negation - Conjugaison du Present Artcles partitifs - Adjectifs demonstratifs et possessifs - Prepositions et adverbs de quantite et de lieu - Pronoms toniques - Conjugaison de l’imperatif - Verbes pronominaux Pronoms complement Future proche, Passe compose et L'imparfait Raconter et5 rapporter, Dormer son avis, se plaindre et repr mander Pronoms en ety - Pronoms relatifs - Comparatives et superlatives Conjugaison du tutur - Present continu et passe recent
Demander 1'autorisation - interdire-formuler des projets - discuter et debattre, Expliquer et justifier, Exprimer l;ordre et 1'obligation Demander et commander, evaluer et apprecier- feliciter et remercier PAPER II will be as shown in the German language syllabi. Reference Books : Panorama I, Bone Route I, Nouvelie Espace I, Campus I, Vocabulaire progressif du francais avec 250 exercices corriges : Niveau interme'diair : de Anne Lete, Claire Miquel.. Conjugaison progressive dufrancais: Cahier de 400 exercices de -Michele Boulares, Odile Grand Clement. Exercices de grammaire en contexte, niveau mtermediaire(Corriges). Exercices de grammalire en contexte, neveau avance (Corriges) De Anne Akez, et al. Examination : Internal assessment and final examination will be conducted by the center. However, the names of Examiners will be decided by the Ad hoc committee of the University. ' Standard of Passing Examination; To pass the Certificate Examination the candidate must obtain minimum of 50% in each paper. Only candidates who have passed in the examination will be
awarded Grades on the basis of percentages of the aggregate total marks obtained by
them as under : A+ ..90% or more, A ...80 to 90%, B+ ...70 to 79%, B ..60 to69%, C ...50 to 59%. Syllabi for
Certificate Course in German 2003-04 Paper 1 : Modern German Language (100) marks Unit 1 : Articles & Plural
formation, conjugation of separable & inseparable verbs Unit 2 : eins-keins u.a. ja, nein, doch; question
formations Unit 3 : Personal-, possessiv- und
Reflexiv pronomen (alle Facile), Praepositionen Unit 4 : Modalverben;
Adjectivendungen; Was flier ein-und Welch- Unit 5 : Presens, Praeteritum und
Perfekt der Verben Unit 6 : Gliedsaetze (wenn, weil,
ob, dass, bevor, waehrend etc) Unit 7 : Numbers and time, buying,
selling and renting Unit 8 : Adverbs; K-II; Passiv Unit 9 : Comprehension; Landeskunde
Unit 10: Translation (Deutsch-English / Gujarati-Deutsch) Paper 2 : Viva-voce (50 marks) + Internal Assessment (50 marks) = 100 marks Viva-voce Unit 1 : Dictation Unit 2 : Listening and comprehension
Unit 3 Unit 4 Audiovisual Texts and
questions-answers Unit 5 : Use of language skills Internal assessment Unit 1 : Attendance (minimum 80%)
Unit 2 : Participation in quiz and
objective testing Unit 3 : Participation in class room
activities Unit 4 : Participation in extra
curricular activities Unit 5 : Assignments Recommended Books: Sparchkurs Deutsch 1 & 2, Deutsch aktiv 1 & 2, Deutsch als Fremdsprache 1A & IB, Alles Gute & Language Films, Kontakt Deutsch I, Moment Mal I and materials recommended by the faculty.