Phone : +91-79-26300124
Resident Medical Officer
: Dr. Shailesh D. Raval I/C (M.B.B.S.) Lady Medical Officer : Dr. Kiran Goyal I/C (M.B.B.S.)
Brief History Ours is a well equipped Health-centre
established in 1962 & located on the University Campus. Staff of the Health Centre
Blind & handicapped persons including
students. (ii)
Staff of Hostel Mess including Diamond
Jubilee Hostels. (iii)
Retired pensioners of (iv)
Police & S.R.P. Jawans while performing
their duties on the campus. Teachers while attending refresher and orientation
course. Type of Services (a) Dispensing : Monday to Friday : Morning 8-30 a.m. to 11-45 noon
Evening 4-00 p.m. to 5-45 p.m.
Saturday : Morning 8-30 a.m. to 12-45 p.m.
(b) Consultants : Following consultants are extending their honourary services Daily once or twice a week for one or two hours :
Equipments Well equipped Computerized laboratory, X-Ray machine, E.C.G. Machine, Physiotherapy equipments & Autorefractometer for eye refraction.
Laboratory Investingations Following investingations are carries out
under the supervision of Hon. Pathologist : (a)
Hemoglobin % (b)
Total count & diff. Count (c)
E.S.R. (d)
Smear study for malaria & Anemia (e)
B.T.C.T. (f)
Blood group & Rh factor
Blood sugar
Serum Ceratinine
Serum Cholesterol
Blood urea
Serum Widal.
Other Tests (a)
Urine-sugar (b)
Urine Routine Microscopy (c)
Stool for Ova & cyst. (d)
Stool for occult blood. Students get free services including treatment and investigations. Case registration fees 0.50 Paise per day or Rs. 6-00 per term or Rs. 10-00 per year.
Medical check-up camp & lectures for Health awereness Different lectures
are arranged and medical check-up for different age group are held off and on. Medical
Check up of all FirstYear Students getting admission in affiliated colleges is
carried out since last three years and necessary follow-up work is also carried
out by advising the needy students to contact University Health Centre or
Government Primary Health Centre nearest their residence. Iron capsules are
supplied free of cost to those students whose hemogloben is 10% or less. |