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Gujarat University Press

Gujarat University, Navrangpura, Ahmedabad-380 009.

Phone : +91-79-26307391



Press Manager     :   Mr. Narendra D. Patel



Gujarat University has a well equipped Printing Press. At present there are twenty four employees are working at the University Press.

Infrastructure and Facilities

(1)                 18” x 23” Single colour offset

(2)                 Plate Exposer Machine

(3)                 Gestetner Machine                           – 4

(4)                 Gestetner Copy Printer                     – 1

(5)                 Tradel Machine                                – 2

(6)                 Programming Cutting Machine          – 1

(7)                 Manual Cutting Machine                   – 2

(8)                 Steaching Machine                          – 2

(9)                 Folding Machine                              – 1

(10)             Sewing Machine                              – 1



§                     To provide services to the various departments of the University in Printing any and all types of stationary used by University Departments.

§                     To provide assistance on designing & printing of multi colour jobs in the University.

§                     Printing of all the application forms, enrollment forms, certificates, booklets on special events/occasions, invitation cards, over and above printing of question papers, and answer books is also managed through University Press.