Phone : +91-79-26308646/2385 Director : Dr. Rajasi Clerk The School came into existence in
June 1954 to promote study, research and dissemination of knowledge in social
sciences. The primary activity of the School is teaching and it prepares
students for the M.A., M.L.W. (Master of Labour Welfare) and Ph.D. degrees of
this University in Economics, History, Labour Welfare, Political Science and
Sociology. Instructions and guidance to prepare students for the M.Phil. degree
in Economics, History, Political Science
and Sociology are also provided in the School. One of the important activities of the School is research work conducted
by the Faculty individually as well as departmentally, organizing seminars,
institutes and workshops for faculty improvement and professional
services. Commencing with a staff of one
Professor and two Readers in three Departments of Economics, Sociology and
Political Science, two more Departments, Labour Welfare and History were added
later. The faculty has since grown eight-fold and the student strength has
varied from a total of 73 in the year 1954 to 630 in 2006. The School has had
many visiting Professors and experts in different fields from Various Departments of the School |